January 17, 2025, New Delhi – Tata Motors has showcased their groundbreaking vision for the future of transportation at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo (Auto Expo) 2025 in New Delhi. As India’s largest auto and mobility solutions company, Tata Motors presented an impressive lineup of advanced commercial vehicles and cutting-edge technologies designed to redefine transportation and logistics.
In an effort to make city streets quieter and more eco-friendly, Tata Motors is leading the charge with their range of over 50 exhibits, including 32 future-ready commercial vehicles. Visitors at the Expo can explore these innovative solutions, including everything from nimble mini trucks to rugged heavy-duty carriers, all designed to meet modern urban transport demands while minimizing environmental impact.
Tata Motors is at the forefront of sustainable transportation, offering the widest range of green, multi-fuel technologies, including electric, hydrogen, natural gas, and flex-fuel options. By introducing their new mantra, ‘Better Always’, Tata Motors demonstrates their commitment to continuous improvement and growth. The Expo display includes 20 smart, high-tech solutions aimed at enhancing safety, efficiency, and customer experience, alongside 18 interactive experiences for visitors to celebrate the future of mobility.
Highlights from the Expo
- Ace Pro: A new platform designed for last-mile deliveries, making it perfect for small businesses.
- Intra EV Pickup: India’s most advanced electric pickup, ideal for various logistics tasks.
- Prima E.555: A battery-powered prime mover designed to make logistics more eco-friendly.
- Prima H.28: An impressive hydrogen-powered truck with a range of 550 km.
- Intercity EV 2.0: A commercial vehicle that’s revolutionizing long-distance travel with its advanced design.
- Ultra E.12: An emission-free urban freight solution designed for city logistics.
- Ultra EV 9: The future of sustainable urban people mobility.
- Prima G.555: India’s first LNG prime mover with an unmatched range of 2400 km.
- Yodha CNG RMC: An eco-friendly solution for the infrastructure sector, providing versatile and sustainable options.
Speaking about Tata Motors’ expansive display at the Expo, Mr. N Chandrasekaran, Executive Chairman of Tata Sons and Chairman of Tata Motors, said, “For eight decades, Tata Motors has been at the forefront of shaping the future of mobility, pioneering advancements in safety, design, connectivity, and sustainability.”
Mr. Girish Wagh, Executive Director of Tata Motors, said, “Today marks a defining moment in Tata Motors Commercial Vehicles’ journey as we introduce our new mantra, ‘Better Always,’ embodying our unwavering dedication to driving growth and success for our customers and our nation.”
The Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 serves as the perfect stage for Tata Motors to display their cutting-edge innovations, emphasizing their commitment to creating value for customers and promoting safe and efficient transportation.
As a proud partner of the Bharat Mobility Expo 2025, 91trucks celebrates the advancements in green mobility. This collaboration reflects a shared vision of promoting innovation and sustainability in transportation. We provide detailed information and reviews on commercial vehicles, helping people and businesses make smart choices. Our services include expert reviews, detailed vehicle specs, and the latest news in the commercial vehicle world. Visit us to stay updated on new trends and learn how we can help you find the perfect vehicle.